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School Day and Attendance
- Morning Session 8.45 am – 12.00 with a break 10.45 am – 11.00 am
- Afternoon Session 1.10 pm – 3.15 pm
During the school week the school is open for 32.5 hours.
(Early Years and Key Stage One having 10min. break)
Children go into their classes, via their own class doors, when they arrive from 8.40am and should all be in by 8.45am.
Early Years and Key Stage One children are seen out from their class doors directly to their waiting adult. Key Stage Two children leave their classrooms and meet adults at a pre-arranged point within the grounds: a playground, the car collection point, or by one of the four gates.
Details of after school activities are sent to parents directly from the staff organising the clubs.
We hold a regular act of Collective Worship for all children, which is of a broadly Christian character. Hymn-singing is often accompanied by our school orchestra.
Parents are asked to contact the Headteacher if they wish their child to be withdrawn from this activity. They are welcome to arrange to join an assembly first.
Special assemblies are held during the year to which families are invited, for example: harvest, Mothering Sunday, instrumental performances made by individuals or ensembles.
Celebratory assemblies are held regularly to award stars of the week, house points and share news, events or arranged visitors.
‘Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well’