Beech – Early Years


EYFS Curriculum Summary 2023-2024

EYFS Autumn Term Plan 2023

EYFS Spring Term Plan 2024

EYFS Summer Term Plan 2024

Homework - sheets if required will be in your child's homework folder.

Summer Home Learning

Your child will be bringing home their summer diary today for them to complete over the summer holidays. They can decorate this and use their phonics to independently write various entries to share their summer experiences. They can include pictures, tickets etc. Prizes are awarded for the two best diaries once the children return in September.

Phonics - Please continue to practise your child's E-Collins reading books that have been allocated to them. You can also practice reading and writing in a variety of ways over the summer such as borrowing books from the library, sharing stories, reading signs and restaurant menus. Try to encourage your child to write when they can. They can write stories, label pictures, write instructions, lists, diary entries. This will support them in retaining their writing skills over the summer break.

Maths - This week in Maths the children have been learning about doubling and halving. They learnt that to double something is 'the same again' and 'twice as again'. They also explored the relationship between doubling and halving, understanding the link between the total and part. 

The EYFS team wish you a lovely and restful summer break!

Friday 28th June

Phonics - Please complete the Little Wandle Sheet with your child. 

E-Collins Practice Book - This is your child's practise book that is aligned with their phonics assessment. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Your child would have read this as part of their teacher led practice reading sessions so will be familiar with it. Please refer to the the inside front and back covers for activity suggestions when reading. Please comment and sign when you have read with your child.

Maths - This week children have been making groups of ten with objects and learning that when a tens frame is full it makes ten. Encourage your children to notice ten in a variety of ways. Play games where your child has to reach ten to win. For example, when playing rock, paper, scissors, the winner of a round will get an object/counter each time. See if your child can tell you have many they need to get to 10.

Theme - This half term's themes are 'The Farm'; the children will be learning where their food comes from on their visit to Hyde Hall Farm and 'Moving On' where the children will talk about what they have enjoyed in their year in reception and what they are looking forward to or worried about when moving on to year one.

Friday 20th June

Phonics - Please complete the Little Wandle Sheet with your child. 

E-Collins Practice Book - This is your child's practise book that is aligned with their phonics assessment. Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week. Your child would have read this as part of their teacher led practice reading sessions so will be familiar with it. Please refer to the the inside front and back covers for activity suggestions when reading. Please comment and sign when you have read with your child.

Maths - This week children have been using all the skills they have learnt over the previous weeks in Maths to compare and discuss amounts and 'find the difference'. Using the pictures on the link below please discuss the questions with your child and ask them if they can tell you the difference in amounts of objects. Ensure children show you how they can subitise, count on or back to explain their understanding.


Theme - This half term's themes are 'The Farm'; the children will be learning where their food comes from on their visit to Hyde Hall Farm and 'Moving On' where the children will talk about what they have enjoyed in their year in reception and what they are looking forward to or worried about when moving on to year one.


Little Wandle Phase 2 Autumn 1 Phonemes - Correct Pronunciation

Little Wandle Phase 2 Autumn 2 Phonemes - Correct Pronunciation

Little Wandle Phase 2 Spring 1 Phonemes - Correct Pronunciation

Little Wandle - How We Teach Blending

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Website

E Collins 'Practice' Books

Little Wandle Glossary

Reading Record Comment Suggestions

Letter Formation Practice Sheets Spring 1